Monday, August 18, 2014

Review: Ignite Me (Shatter Me # 3)

My Rating: ★★★★★

     I read Ignite Me in ONE day. A SINGLE DAY. What does that say about this book? That it was amazing! (Or maybe I was just desperate.) In my review for the previous installment in this series, I mentioned that I was hoping for this book to be amazing. To surprise me. To exceed my expectations. To make me rate it five stars. Everything I wanted from this book, it provided. And I am so, so very satisfied with it. Definitely one of my favorite dystopian books, definitely one of the most exciting reads of my life. Even if the ending was somewhat of a blur, I managed to overlook it simply because my Warner feelings were all over the place. Isn't that silly? I don't even know anymore. Or care.

     I won't even split my review in things I liked/disliked about this book. I'll get straight to it. I liked this book, period. It had a little bit of action, it had drama, it had romance and it had character development. Finally, finally Juliette acknowledges her full potential, her true nature and what she's capable of. And the best part is that she actually puts it to good use. And if you're going to say that it's wrong that what she sought was revenge, my friend, you're wrong. Because the awful Anderson deserved it all. Surely he couldn't have lived happily ever after, right? Not after he ruined Warner,not after he ruined Adam, not after all the awful things he had done. And he got what he deserved. A big round of applause for that!

I     'm not going to lie. What I wanted most from this book was Juliette&Warner. Mostly Warner. I cannot believe that I hated him in the first book. Never had it crossed my mind that he wasn't supposed to be the villain. Never had it crossed my mind that he was broken. And oh, how broken he was. I think it's safe to say that Warner is, from now on, my #1 book love. I love him. So what if he was ruthless? So what if everyone thought he was a monster? They didn't know him like we had gotten to know him. Who cares what the others think, anyway? In the end, Warner proves his motives and his true face and he does that without even trying to! He isn't trying to prove anything to anyone. He only cares about Juliette. And Juliette already knows exactly who he is. And that makes me so happy. Because it gives me hope that sometimes, even if it's only in the books we read, sometimes even the most damaged, broken people can be redeemed. Even in our worst, darkest moments someone can see through the darkness and can guide us towards the light. 

     I loved Warner&Kenji in this book. I absolutely hated Adam and I think I was clenching my teeth at his every single line. I don't care what anyone says, he showed his true face when he felt cornered. He didn't love Juliette. Maybe he thought he did, but he didn't. Not like Warner loved her. Not like she loved Warner. It took so long for her to figure out that she didn't actually love Adam, or not like that anyway and it made me desperate. I kept rolling my eyes every single time she tried to deny it, every single time she tried to make good with Adam. JUST FORGET HIM ALREADY. 
It took a very long time for Juliette to finally realize what she wanted and who she wanted. And I so desperately needed her to realize who she wanted. But it has been an amazing, emotional journey. And when she and Warner finally collided, I was oh so happy. So relieved. 

     The ending felt a bit rushed but it is good to finally find a dystopian book with a happy ending. Don't get me wrong, I like some drama here and there, but this? This ending made me hopeful. For just a second, along the final lines of the ending, I was terrified that Warner would end up dead. But when I read the ending, I could not contain myself. I loved it. I really, truly loved it. 
I'm sad that this series has ended but happy that it ended on a positive note, with a positive outcome. And while we may not know the aftermath, surely we can imagine it. Thank you, Taherah Mafi, thank you for this wonderful series. You truly have outdone yourself!


  1. I'm so glad you liked it! I love this series but I did get so frustrated with Juliette in Unravel Me. I couldn't stand how she kept breaking down about everything! But Ignite Me was a WHOLE different story!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. It's one of my favorite series as well. I agree, Juliette did seem to get on my nerves a lot throughout the first two books, but in Ignite Me she changed for the better. Really loved these books!
