Friday, May 16, 2014

Review: Shatter Me (Shatter Me # 1)

    My Rating: ★★★☆☆

     If you like science fiction, this book is for you. If you like paranormal, this book is for you. If you like dystopia, this book is for you. If you like X-Men, this book is for you. If you're looking for an exciting read, with twists, actions and a badass protagonist, then look no further. This is the book for you!

     I have to admit, I was skeptical about reading Shatter Me at first. Why? I don't know. I just saw it in a book store and, without reading the description, I simply looked at the cover and said "Not interested." But since I joined goodreads, I only heard good things about it. Good reviews, good ratings from friends, even saw it in a lot of lists. So I decided to check it out and when I saw the genres I was surprised because they were among my favorites. 
So I picked this book up and started reading it and I was done in two days because I just couldn't put it down. While I didn't like it as much as I liked other books of the same genres, it was an entertaining read and it kept me interested.

Things I liked:

- how it was written. In the first part of the book where Juliette is locked up and struggling to remain sane, I thought it was genuine, all her emotions, her racing thoughts like she was on the verge of insanity and could slip at any second. Repeatedly questioning herself, her ability and her state of mind. All these things kept me hooked up.

- the main character. Juliette is a seventeen years old girl on the verge of insanity. She's been abandoned, locked up, tortured. But it didn't break her because she was tough as nails. She was strong, and determined and she wasn't easy to manipulate, like so many teenage characters from other books. She stood strong against the antagonist, didn't give in to him and fought for her freedom. BONUS POINTS for not being afraid of weapons and fighting against those who were after her.

- action paced. It did not get boring at any point and while I thought it was a little slow in the beginning I realized that it was the beginning and I got over it. Things got really intense after Juliette was taken out of her cell and the whole series of twists and surprise did not let me down. There were a lot of moments full of tension that just kept me reading page after page without being able to stop because I was so curious to see what would happen next. 

Things I didn't like:

- Warner. But that's alright because you're not supposed to like him. You're supposed to hate him, and that's exactly how I feel. If I were to describe him, I don't think there would be words that Juliette hasn't already used to describe him. Crazy. Insane. Psychotic. A monster. He was absolutely and completely repulsive and he literally disgusted me. I simply couldn't stand reading the scenes with him and Juliette and I think that it's amazing that the author of this book could create a character so twisted that can make you sick. 

Overall, I think it was a nice book and it's safe to say that I will be reading the next ones. Definitely. I'm curious to see where the story is going, with war knocking at these people's door. I'm curious to see how the relationship between Juliette and Adam will develop because I thought it was interesting. I'm curious to see the evolution of Kenji because I found him intriguing. I'm desperate curious to what Warner has planned for Juliette and Adam and I'm really curious to see if there's more to him or if he's simply insane. 
That being said, I give this book three stars because I liked it and because I think that the story has so much potential and I'm hoping the next book exceeds my expectations. I really can't wait to read the sequel and it's safe to say that it is at the top of my to-read list.

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