Saturday, November 8, 2014

MFB: The One (The Selection # 3)

“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”

     The final book in this trilogy, The One was definitely better than its predecessor and like the first book in the series, it quickly became one of my favorite books that I read this year. After reading The Elite, I wanted to get my hands on the last book as soon as possible. Not because the previous book had been amazing, but because the action seemed to get a little more intense and because I was curious if the story will get better in the final book.

     I was right to want to read this right away, because it was much better than its prequel and because, at least in my opinion, it was a very satisfying end to the series. Like the previous books, I really don't think that The One was a very dystopian book - more like a romantic novel with a little bit of action thrown in here and there, but still I liked it and I do not regret reading the series.

Here is the official description of the book:

"The time has come for one winner to be crowned.
When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants."

     America was maybe a little less annoying throughout this book and towards the end, I could see a significant change in her character so I think it's safe to say that there was some sort of character development for her in this book. What I found most interesting about The One is that things are different for a change and the tables are turned. It looks like, when America finally decides who she really loves between Maxon and Aspen, she's not the one doing the choosing anymore. 

     Prince Maxon seems to like Kriss quite a lot, which infuriates America at times - and I loved that, because she finally realized she should stop playing with the two boys and actually make a choice for a change. The author kind of leaves you hanging for the majority of this book, making you guess which one of the girls Maxon will choose. However, the choice seems obvious from the very beginning - at least in my point of view. 

     This book was a bit shocking what with all the tragedy. I especially felt really bad for The Queen and - bummer - for Celeste. I mean, sure she was horrible and whatnot, but in this book she revealed her reasons which were 100% accurate and I began seeing her in a different light. And yes, I started to like her, so I was a bit upset with what happened to her. I also felt like the whole America-Kriss-solidarity thing was a little bit forced. I mean, who would be so friendly towards the other when you were competing for the heart of the man you loved? 

     All in all, I think that The One was a great book and by far, the best in the series. While The Selection was also really good in my opinion, I think that this one was better and more complex. Aspen was pretty funny in this book and I especially liked the whole Aspen-Lucy thing that was going on. However! I was expecting this to be the last book, so imagine my surprise when I heard that this was not actually the end of the series. I mean, why drag on something that's already wrapped up? I might read The Heir when it comes out, but I think that the author should have just ended things here.

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