Saturday, December 20, 2014

Review: Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush # 1)

My Rating: ★★★☆☆

     I started reading Hush, Hush at the beginning of this month, having meant to read it for quite a while now. I thought it was going to be amazing, mind-blowing, heartbreaking and whatnot. It wasn't. At least not for me. I don't know why, but for some reason I had really high expectations from this book, and unfortunately, they were not met.

     The first thing that I'm going to say about this book is that it reminded me a lot of Twilight. I read all four books in the Twilight series and I didn't really like them. Okay, maybe I did at first, but that's because I was like 14 back when I read them. Now I realize that they were terrible.

     Nora and Patch might just be one of the most exasperating couples in the history of YA books. I hated Nora and I liked Patch, but I still think that their romance was awkward. Everything seemed forced to me and I just couldn't enjoy it. I finished the book pretty quickly because it's an easy, fast read and I continued with the series with the hope that it will progressively get better but it didn't.

     I don't know what it is about Hush, Hush that makes everybody love it, but I seriously didn't. I thought that Nora was at times just horrible, I couldn't stand her for the majority of the book. She was weak, silly and insecure and no matter what she did, she always got in trouble. It was like she lacked a brain. I get it, the hot fallen angel must rescue you because that's romance and so on and so forth. Actually, no, I don't get it. What's with all this damsel in distress business?

     And I thought that things would change throughout the story but they did not. Also, Nora and Patch didn't have much interaction or romance development during all the events, but suddenly, at the end of the book, they were this amazing couple. No, I really don't get it. I think that it's a bit sad because this book had a potentially interesting plot, with the fallen angels and nephilim.

     So I'm going to end my review here because this is quickly turning into a rage session of writing and I didn't mean to be so mean. To summarize, I didn't think the book was awful, but I really didn't think it was good either. The only reason I gave it three stars instead of two is that there are worse books than this one out there that I already rated two stars.

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