Monday, September 29, 2014

Review: City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments # 4)

My Rating: ★★☆☆

    The fourth book in The Mortal Instruments series has to be the worst. I keep reading this series in the hopes that something amazing will happen that would make me praise it like so many people do, but so far I have been disappointed. The previous book, City of Glass was slightly better than any of the other books and I managed to give it 4 stars. After I finished reading City of Fallen Angels I gave it 3 stars, but writing this review I had to reconsider and give it 2 stars because I really didn't like this book at all.

One of the first things that I have to say about this book is that it was boring. It took me more time to read it than any of the previous books in the series and at points I felt like it just kept dragging on when I really wanted it to be over. Now, I understand that this book was meant to be the first part in a new trilogy that continues the first trilogy (what?) but I think sometimes it's best if we let things end the way they were supposed to end in the first place.

Now, the first thing that came through my mind at the end of City of Glass was "Clary and Jace!" and so I was excited to read this book and see how things progressed with the two of them. Guess what, they only ever got worse. I tried, Itry so hard to like these books, I try so hard to like Clary and Jace as a couple but I just can't! Jace got worse in this book for no reason at all. The author made him to be the strongest of them all and in this book he was so weak, so whiny, so very unlikable. Clary, as usual, had no idea of what was going on around her and she was just as clueless as ever.

Another character that genuinely got on my nerves in this book was Jocelyn. Don't get me wrong, I understand that she's a mother and her number one concern is her daughter but I just hated her. I never liked her from the beginning but after a point I realized I hated her, simple as that. I also didn't care much about Luke, Jordan or Maia so I felt like the introduction of their points of view was useless and boring.

I know that by now I must seem like a hater of this series. This is my fourth review regarding it and still I don't have many good things to say. So maybe I'm wrong and this series truly is amazing but I just can't see it. If that's the case, I guess I'm alright with it. I don't have to love a book just because the rest of the world does. And I mean it when I say that I really try to grow to love this series but I simply can't. I just fail to see what's so extraordinary about it. 

However, I grew to like Simon more in this book and I thought it was good that we got more of him, seeing as how so many people complained about his character. I liked that he was basically invincible with his Mark of Cain, and that made the things all the more interesting. In the end, I guess he was the hero, even for a short time, seeing as how he saved Clary's life and destroyed Lilith. 

All in all, I didn't like this book. At all. But seeing as how I read four books so far, I don't want to give up on the remaining two. I will read them through the end just because I don't like to start something and leave it unfinished. However, I really don't have high hopes from this series anymore. 


  1. I agree with everything you said! I honestly can't see how amazing this series is... am I missing something? Most all of the characters annoy me so much - especially Jocelyn and how Clary is ALWAYS kept in the dark so the author can justify why she goes and gets into so much trouble all the time. Ugh.

    1. I know exactly what you mean! The book I liked the most in the series was the fifth book, but even so, I really didn't think this was an amazing series...
