Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Top Three: To-Read Dystopia Series

My last "My Top Three" post consisted of books that I have on my to read list and, since I have plenty of them, I can make several posts about it. The last time, it was a post about my top three to-read romances. Today, I have a new post for you and that is my top three to-read dystopias, only that this time I'm not talking about standalones, but about series.

As you may already know, if you've been following me for a while, my favorite genre is young-adult and my favorite subgenre is dystopia. Because of that, you can imagine that my to-read list consists of a lot of dystopian books. And I am very pretentious when it comes to this genre - I always have very high expectations from dystopias. Anyway, here are my top three, or in other words the ones that I am most curious about or are at the top of my list, to-read dystopia series.

1. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer 

2. Matched by Ally Condie

3. Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Monday, November 17, 2014

Today In My Mail

I think it's been a while since I last wrote a post about one of my favorite authors and I'm pretty sure that by now, those who read this blog or visit my Goodreads page, know that my favorite author ( at least my favorite realistic romance fiction author ) is Katie McGarry. I absolutely love her books and I've read everything she has written. 

So, you can imagine that,  every time I hear there's any sort of giveaway on her site, I'm one of the first persons to click on it and make sure that I take part in it - no matter the chances. Ever since I was a kid, I loved to participate in all the giveaways I ever heard about, but I would never win. But this time - like the last time I received something from Katie Mcgarry - the giveaway was on a first come, first served basis. 

So, if you're wondering what it was that I received, wait no more! It was two beautiful ribbons and a bookmark with the covers of all the books she's published. The bookmark is really nice and useful, but what I truly wanted & what I really love is the ribbons. Both of them have very powerful messages which are extremely meaningful for me, and I especially loved the purple one - purple is my favorite color & the quote on it is one of my favorites.

Friday, November 14, 2014

My Top Three: To-Read Romance Novels

I have so many ideas for posts under the "My Top Three" category that I can't write just yet, because I am saving them for a better moment. For example, I can't exactly make a Top Three Favorite Books of 2014 (hint, hint) because I might come across a favorite book throughout the next two months. Does that make sense? I hope so.

However, there are other types of posts I can write before the end of this awesome year. While I was browsing through my to-read list on Goodreads, I came across so many books that I've been meaning to read for so long but still haven't gotten across to it. So, I had an interesting idea and that is how I came to write this post.

Here are the top three romance novels I have on my to-read list:

Ruin (Ruin # 1) by Rachel Van Dyken 

"I'm not your typical girl. I've been running away from the memories that haunt me for so long that depression has become my only comfort. I was content in the darkness...until Wes Michals offered to be my light.

I didn't know that time wasn't my ally -- that every second that ticked past was one step closer to the end of something that was beginning to mean the end of myself. He tried to warn me. He promised me all he was able to offer--each moment as it came--but it would never be enough.

Sometimes when you think it's the end, it's only the beginning. Wes thought he could save me, but in giving me everything, he ruined me. Because after one kiss, one touch, I couldn't--I wouldn't ever be the same.

And from that moment on, his heartbeat became my own." 

              My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick 

""One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time."
The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, messy, affectionate. And every day from her rooftop perch, Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them . . . until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs up next to her and changes everything.
As the two fall fiercely for each other, stumbling through the awkwardness and awesomeness of first love, Jase's family embraces Samantha - even as she keeps him a secret from her own. Then something unthinkable happens, and the bottom drops out of Samantha's world. She's suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?
A transporting debut about family, friendship, first romance, and how to be true to one person you love without betraying another."

More Than This (More #1) by Jay McLean

"*Mikayla*In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun. This is my story of friendship and love, heartbreak and desire, and the strength to show weakness.
*Jake*One night I met a girl. A sad and broken girl, but one more beautiful than any other. She laughed through her sadness, while I loved through her heartbreak.
*This is our story of a maybe ever after.*
He was right. It made no difference whether it was 6 months or 6 years. I couldn’t undo what had been done. I couldn’t change the future.I couldn’t even predict it. It was one night.One night when everything changed.It was so much more than just the betrayal.It was the Tragedy. The Deaths. The Murders.But it was also that feeling.The feeling of falling."

So these are my Top Three to-read romances and as soon as I get a chance to read them, I will. However, there are still many other books that are at the top of my to-read list and most of those books are dystopias, which I will always prefer over any other kind of book. But! More books on my top to-read list mean most My Top Three posts, so expect many other this kind of posts because there's still a lot to come! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Review: Panic

My Rating: ★★☆☆☆

     I heard about Panic a long time ago but just couldn't get myself to start reading it, for no particular reason. But one day, I was bored and didn't know what to read and instead of going to my want-to-read list, guess what I did? I found a particularly popular book and decided that I should read that instead of what I'd been meaning to read for a long time.

     Bad decision! Why, you ask? Well, this is the first Lauren Oliver novel that I've ever read and I honestly didn't like it that much. I know that the author has released a lot of books, all of which are extremely popular and so when I heard that this book was written by her, I wanted to give it a shot. But I really, really, didn't like it all that much.

     The characters? I don't know how I feel about them. Sure, I liked Heather and the fact that she was so determined to compete and win for her little sister. I also liked how Dodge was playing for his incapacitated sister and for revenge against the person who got her that way. But I really felt like the other characters, Bishop and Natalie, were there for no reason. When I saw that the book was written in dual POV, which was Heather and Dodge, I thought for sure that the romance would be between the two of them, which would have made a lot of sense. But guess what? It wasn't. 

     I thought that the whole Heather-Bishop and Dodge-Natalie thing was forced. None of it felt natural or real to me, the romances were too fake and not at all detailed. I know that the book wasn't a romantic novel, but still. The whole romances felt rushed to me and I couldn't get myself to care about the characters all that much. Maybe it's just me, but in this sort of book, that is also a standalone, maybe the author should have focused on the game itself and left the romance out.

     Now, about Panic. It sort of felt like some kind of Hunger Games,Divergent combination to me. Even the game itself wasn't described in too much detail. It was all just teenagers competing for a 60-something thousand dollars in all sorts of ridiculous challenges that put their lives in danger, and occasionally some of them would die. Without spoiling, because it's obvious from just the dual POV, in the end all the competition consists of Heather and Dodge - only one of them can win. 

     All I can say about this book is that it felt a little too rushed, too little detailed and, all in all, unimpressive. I can't rate it any higher than two stars and it's not my intention to be mean. I just didn't like it. However, I do think that the author has a lot more potential and I'm somehow sure that her other books are better - which is why I'll still give them a chance when the time comes.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November Books

Here are the books that I have read so far this month: 

I will update the list with books as soon as I finish reading them.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

MFB: The One (The Selection # 3)

“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”

     The final book in this trilogy, The One was definitely better than its predecessor and like the first book in the series, it quickly became one of my favorite books that I read this year. After reading The Elite, I wanted to get my hands on the last book as soon as possible. Not because the previous book had been amazing, but because the action seemed to get a little more intense and because I was curious if the story will get better in the final book.

     I was right to want to read this right away, because it was much better than its prequel and because, at least in my opinion, it was a very satisfying end to the series. Like the previous books, I really don't think that The One was a very dystopian book - more like a romantic novel with a little bit of action thrown in here and there, but still I liked it and I do not regret reading the series.

Here is the official description of the book:

"The time has come for one winner to be crowned.
When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants."

     America was maybe a little less annoying throughout this book and towards the end, I could see a significant change in her character so I think it's safe to say that there was some sort of character development for her in this book. What I found most interesting about The One is that things are different for a change and the tables are turned. It looks like, when America finally decides who she really loves between Maxon and Aspen, she's not the one doing the choosing anymore. 

     Prince Maxon seems to like Kriss quite a lot, which infuriates America at times - and I loved that, because she finally realized she should stop playing with the two boys and actually make a choice for a change. The author kind of leaves you hanging for the majority of this book, making you guess which one of the girls Maxon will choose. However, the choice seems obvious from the very beginning - at least in my point of view. 

     This book was a bit shocking what with all the tragedy. I especially felt really bad for The Queen and - bummer - for Celeste. I mean, sure she was horrible and whatnot, but in this book she revealed her reasons which were 100% accurate and I began seeing her in a different light. And yes, I started to like her, so I was a bit upset with what happened to her. I also felt like the whole America-Kriss-solidarity thing was a little bit forced. I mean, who would be so friendly towards the other when you were competing for the heart of the man you loved? 

     All in all, I think that The One was a great book and by far, the best in the series. While The Selection was also really good in my opinion, I think that this one was better and more complex. Aspen was pretty funny in this book and I especially liked the whole Aspen-Lucy thing that was going on. However! I was expecting this to be the last book, so imagine my surprise when I heard that this was not actually the end of the series. I mean, why drag on something that's already wrapped up? I might read The Heir when it comes out, but I think that the author should have just ended things here.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Review: The Elite (The Selection # 2)

My Rating: ★★★☆☆

     The Elite took me on an emotional rollercoaster and I have mixed feelings about it. While I did like this book, I didn't really like it quite as much as the previous one. The main reason was that I found America to be extremely annoying in this sequel. And the reason why she was so annoying was that she kept switching from loving Aspen to loving Maxon, and so on and so forth. 

     It was really frustrating that she was always jealous of the other girls and of Maxon getting closer to them while she kept pushing him away. As soon as Maxon seemed to get sick of her swinging moods, she went back to Aspen. I found it horrible that she always kept Aspen waiting and hoping for her just in case things didn't work out with Maxon. 

     The King was really frustrating throughout this whole book as well, but at least he kept things interesting, although everything was pretty much predictable. However, let's all take a moment and appreciate the King's presence, otherwise this book would've been completely pointless. I did, however, love the Queen. I liked her from the beginning to the end.

     So in The Elite, there's only 5 girls left in The Selection and the competition is tougher than ever. Prince Maxon seems to connect with the other girls more and more, America keeps losing attention due to her infuriating stupidity, and every girl begins to up their game in the struggle of obtaining the crown, the title and Maxon's heart. This book mainly focuses on the horrible love triangle that is Maxon-America-Aspen and I fail to see the dystopian setting, except for extremely minor parts where a little bit of conflict arises.

     After reading the first book and absolutely loving it, I was highly disappointed with The Elite. I was expecting more of the dystopian environment, more conflict but instead all I got was America's whole I-don't-know-who-to-chose drama. She kept saying nonsense about true love and whatnot, when in reality, she had no idea what love was. 

     Overall, I was not impressed with this book and I'm sad to say this, because after The Selection, which is now officially one of my favorite books, this was a major disappointment. I read it all because I don't like abandoning a series halfway in, unless that series is completely awful and horrible - and it's not the case with The Elite. I mean it was bad, but not that bad. Personally, I read this because I was curious as to where to story was headed and because I loved the first book. So I can only give it three stars and hope that the final book, The One will be more satisfying.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Update: Blog 2.0 & New Section

Hello, everybody! I'm writing today to let you guys know that my blog just got a makeover. I decided a few days ago that I want to make some changes to it and last night, I finally got a chance to set things in motion. I stayed up late and worked in Photoshop to make a new image for my blog and I also spent a lot of time finding the perfect background for this new aspect. It took a little bit of work but I got it right eventually and I'm very happy with the result!

But that's not it. With the introduction of my updated blog, I decided to add another page/section to it. The new tab is going to be called "My Top Three", and you can probably guess what it's going to contain. I already wrote two "My Top Three" posts in the past but I sat down one night and thought "I could make this a new section!". So I did. For now, only the two previous posts are listed there but every once in a while I will update it and write new posts for it.

That's all for now. I hope you guys like the new aspect of the blog and I hope you will enjoy the new section. Also, I wanted to let you all know that I'm really trying my best for this blog. I want to keep it up to date and write new posts every Monday & Friday like I promised when I started it, but college is really time consuming and I barely have free time anymore. It's really hard for me to even find time to read a book, let alone write a review for it or find several "favorite books" to write about every Friday. I barely had time to read two books in October, which is sad, I know. But I'm really trying! So I just want you to keep that in mind and also thank you for bearing with me!